Herbal medicine, Chronic disease, learn, first aid, cancer care, education, online, herbs, herbalism,

Herbal Medicine First Aid Online Course

First Aid Herbal Medicine Online Course by Garreth Falls, BTh. NIMH. Consultant Medical Herbalist.

Course Summary

With waiting lists increasing, distrust of Big Pharma growing, many are entering a world that will value self-sufficiency and living off-grid in a new way. Garreth helps to recover some of that ancient wisdom that our 'sages' knew in daily practice to help those feeling unwell, thus avoiding the need for a trip to the doctors and help avoid long queues waiting to get seen.

This course focuses on around 70 DIY first aid herbal remedies that will be useful at home to help empower and equip individuals to look after health rather than need to resort to doctors or herbalists. Garreth will explain different applications & terminologies, explain how a compress differs from a poultice, how a linament may be used rather than a fomentation, etc.,  Garreth will provide a check list of equipment and herbs you may want to have in your emergency first aid cabinet and provide a list of over 70 conditions along with suitable herb suggestions that can be administered at home.

Course Contents:
1 Video and handout indroducing different applications and understanding herbal vocabulary.
15 Videos are available on how to make each of the different types of medicine are also available for kinesthetic and visual learners.  
1 Video looking at the equipment necessary for your first aid cabinet along with a list of products you may wish to make/buy and have on hand.
4 Videos covering around 70 ailments and a list of herbs that may be helpful for those complaints.  Handout notes are supplied also.
A pdf. on the top 30 herbs for the "End of the World" self-sufficiency scenario and some of their most useful actions.
Upon completion, students will be offered 10% discount code off items from The Wild Sage shop to help build up some of the ingredients for your first aid cabinet or first aid kit

Garreth is a Consultant Medical Herbalist registered with the National Institute of Herbal Medicine.  His career spans a number of interesting and diverse pursuits, including television presenting, youth and community work, social enterpise, ministry and herbal medicine.  He is passionate about helping encourage and empower people to be free from the shackles that bind and move into co-dependant communities.  

Course Curriculum

Garreth Falls

Garreth is a Consultant Medical Herbalist working in Northern Ireland.  His background was working in both the church and community sector before moving into social enterprise and eventually into Herbal Medicine.  He has a background in media and uses this diverse background to educate and equip people to look after their own health through training courses and private consultations.

He is passionate in treating the "whole person" which takes into account their emotional and spiritual wellbeing in conjunction with their physical health.   Garreth's speciality is understood within functional Medicine as "phychoneuroimmoendocrinology".  He enjoys working on complex cases where orthodox medicine struggles to help. 

 Brilliant!   This course offers an excellent introduction to utilizing herbs, particulary in home remedies.  I enroled in this course to acquire the expertise, abilities and assurance needed to address every day health issues now that I am a parent, with the hope of passing on this knowledge.   The course had a profound effect on me, leading me to contemplate transitioning from a scientist to a herbalist! :)  Many thanks, Garreth!


 I thought this would be interesting and educational so signed up for the online first Aid course and learned such a lot, the teaching videos run nicely into each other and can be stopped and restarted easily.  I'm blown away by their wonderful demonstrations which showed just how easy an do-abole it is to get the very best out of the plants, herbs and spices aroudn us.   Not only are Garreth and Carla completely professional but they are full of exuberant fun and enthusiasm and are extremely generous in sharing their priceless knowledge.  Thank you Garreth and Carla...


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