Herbal medicine, Chronic disease, learn, first aid, cancer care, education, online, herbs, herbalism,

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Cancer Care


  • Holistic Cancer Care that looks at reducing risk, helping to reduce side-effects of treatment and minimise reoccurence of cancer.

    • What is Cancer and how does it spread? Vocabulary and Understanding
    • Information on Surgery and prevention of complications.
    • Herbs suitable for surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
    • Handouts on specific types of cancer available
    • Nutritional Advice - Food as Medicine
    • Supplement Advice - a comprehensive look at suitable supplements.
    • Overview of some holistic therapies
    • Treatment options to alleviate side effects of Modern Medicine
    • Information about palliative care
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You've got the diagnosis of cancer or someone you care about has received this devastating news.  

Like an animal stuck before headlamps the experience can be overwhelming.  The news brings with it so much heartache, lots of questions and so few reliable places to get the answers you need.  This platform has been designed to give you as much help as possible in answering the questions you may have and guide you through the first steps on your cancer journey.  If you are coming to the site with a late stage diagnosis there is also a section specifically tailored to palliative medicine.  
This platform will give information on orthodox approaches to cancer with an understanding of the pro's and con's.  It will also look at alternatives that can support orthodox treatment, make them more effective, or that can be used instead of orthodox medicine.  Here, we will explore adjuncts to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  We will answer questions about herb and supplement safety, look at how they can help orthodox treatments be more effective in prolonging the quality and longevity of your life whilst also helping to limit the adverse side effects that are so common with treatments.

Like Macmillan Cancer Information and support or Cancer Research, this aims to provide you with information.  What sets this site apart is that it specifically looks at Holistic Oncology with alternative and complementary therapies.  This platform looks at both scientific research and thousands of years of history to give you back the power in discerning the right path for you.  It will inform you of orthodox care but and explain why there may be a nervousness from your oncologist about the use of herbs or supplements but also provide an impressive list of food supplements, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies that may be able to support you or your loved one on their cancer journey.  

The course offers information on the best natural treatments and foods that are anti-cancer and work on biochemical pathways to reduce the risk of metastasis and encourage apoptosis.  It will look at alternative cancer treatments and also at palliative support.  Understanding these are almost always crucial to getting your oncologist on board!

Ultimately, from this course you should garner enough information and be able to form an action plan to help you make the right choices for you, how to communicate that to others and ensure that you are treated as an individual and help you take back control when all around you seems to overwhelm.

In addition to the videos there are also overviews of protocols often implemented for the most common sorts of cancer.   These include:

Breast Cancers
Brain Cancers
Cervical Cancer
Colon Cancer
Gall Bladder Cancer
Liver cancers
Lung cancers
Mouth, Throat and Neck Cancers.
Nasopharangeal and Oesophageal Cancers
Ovarian Cancer
Rectal cancer
Skin Cancers
Stomach cancer
Kidney Cancer
Liver Cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate Cancers
Uterine Cancer
Vulvar Cancer

Garreth Falls

Garreth is a Consultant Medical Herbalist working in Northern Ireland.  His background was working in both the church and community sector before moving into social enterprise and eventually into Herbal Medicine.  He has a background in media and uses this diverse background to educate and equip people to look after their own health through training courses and private consultations.

He is passionate in treating the "whole person" which takes into account their emotional and spiritual wellbeing in conjunction with their physical health.   Garreth's speciality is understood within functional Medicine as "phychoneuroimmoendocrinology".  He enjoys working on complex cases where orthodox medicine struggles to help. 

Course Curriculum

Rita McAlonan

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

Garreth, Thank you so much for doing this.  I found you quite late on in my diagnosis as everywhere else was shut down.  It is useful to know that the first "No, No" to herbs was from my oncologist but with nothing to back it up.  It did make me extra cautious though.  Remember, they have fear on their side.  So having someone like yourself who knows about herbs and cancer is invaluable.  It is never too late to contact Garreth.

Cancer Hub

A comprehensive overview of Holistic Cancer Care

The earlier you educate yourself about the terminology and understand the pathways that led to a cancer diagnosis the better.   Arming yourself with information allows you to start making changes that will help you with your prognosis

It is never too late to embrace change and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that preparing for your death as soon as possible is extremely beneficial and improves your quality of life.  This course has a section specifically tailored to palliative care but some of the information on drugs, herbs and supplements can help improve quality of life in palliative care.

The course consists of videos covering the basic topics that are generic to most people.   There are also sets of handouts dealing with specific cancers and some of the side-effects that you may encounter in your treatment.

This gives a good introduction as to why herbal medicine may be extremely useful for treatment.   This platform is to encourage you to look at all the options available to you.   Just remember, this is your body and your treatment path so provided you are armed and ready, people must respect what you want.